Friday, June 20, 2014

Home from therapy

Jack and I got home aground 4:30 this afternoon. Sooooo glad to be home! This five day stay felt long.

On Thursday morning, Jack's neck was swollen in two different spots. The doctor popped in and took a peek and had the nurses try to flush both his lines. The red line wouldn't flush and really hurt when they tried. We went down to X-ray where they put a dye through each line to see what was going on. The blue line was working and the red line had sprung a leak, fluid from that line was going up into his neck. Because the anti body treatment and the morphine can't go into the same line, they had to put in an IV. Treatment was delayed a bit, and we didn't get started until 3:00 in the afternoon. We finished at 6:00 am on Friday. A bit of a long night with vitals every hour. Jack can maybe sleep through them, but not me. :) 
So the plan for Friday afternoon was to remove his central line. Surgery came into our room and removed his line and will put a new line in right before we go back for treatment. (He needs a line with two working lumens.) So he is line free for two weeks! He's pretty happy. He can take a bath and even better, go swimming! 

Jack left weighing 47lbs, so we have a good three pounds of water weight to shed. I'm told to expect fevers through out the weekend, but we are still to call and let them know. Fevers are expected 24 hours after anti-body treatment, but typically not afterwards. So I have a feeling if Jack has a fever on Sunday, we will be going back up to Children's. If not, (please, please no fever!) we have a doctor appointment on Monday afternoon for labs and follow up. 

Today I'm thankful for:
- being home. (seems like a no brainer.)
- Jack finally being off the morphine. Man, that stuff had him sleep talking like crazy. 
- Tibor and Chase having the house look nice and clean when we got home. D'Leons for dinner tonight, I'm too tired to cook. 

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