Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Quick update

Jack is home! Horray! He was released Monday and we got home in the early afternoon.

Monday night was pretty tough with aches, pains and just didn't feel too hot. I think by 4AM, he was up 10 times. NG tube was vomited up too. :(
Tuesday was a lazy day of taking naps off and on catching up on sleep. Wednesday we were at the doctor's all afternoon. Labs, dressing change, replacing the NG (feeding) tube. We are still taking the GMCSF injections until Sunday. (A few got added to the schedule.) 
Labs looked good today, so not sure when we'll be back at the clinic. I need to call on Monday with how the weekend went. Fingers crossed for smooth sailing. 

Jack started taking the Acutane pills, so here soon, he and his Burt's Bees Chapstick will be best friends. 

His NG feeds are just running at night to give him some extra calories. (About 800 calories over 12 hours.) Hopefully in the next few weeks he'll start to put on and keep on the weight. Today, he weighed in at 39lbs. 

He is able to walk on his own, but is a bit shakey, so we still use the walker or he just holds our hand. But he is visibly walking better. 
He'll have some physical therapy tomorrow, and that really seems to help. 

Tonight he tried some chamomile tea, so Tibor and Jack drank it up like a couple of gents. Pinky up and everything. 

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