Monday, August 25, 2014

Kind Of A Crazy Weekend

Jack had a busy weekend. 
On Friday evening, he and mom had to go to the emergency room in Omaha because his central line was plugged up. (Blood naturally clots around such things.) Since that is the line through which he receives his treatments and transfusions it has to be kept open and able to "flush". So, a couple of hours at the ER and anticoagulant flushes later he was scott free. (When they left, around 10 pm or so, apparently the place was still full of little tykes. Those nurses must never get a break...)

On Saturday, we went to see inlaws and play with cousins. 

Today we just watched movies and critiqued the latest spider-man flick. (Three out of five stars from both of us.)

One little setback tonight is that he vomited, so his feeding tube came out. I guess that's actually two setbacks as he'll miss out on a night of calories and he'll be pretty worked up tomorrow when the nurse reinserts the tube. 

Tonight (well this morning) I'm grateful for:
- the line flushing on Friday. If it hadn't flushed, he would have needed another surgery to replace it. I was doing a happy dance when Sarah texted me from Omaha. 
- a fun day yesterday, giving Jack an opportunity to be active and play with his little cousins. 
- Jack got some glasses, yay, so he can finally go back to reading and seeing things on the iPad. (The treatment dialates his eyes pretty bad, so things are fuzzy up close.) He's got some snazzy bifocals now and is happy to be able to see and read things. 

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