Monday, July 7, 2014

Surgery #7 Is Done

Ok, starting the week with a little surgery. 
They installed a new (smaller) central line and Jack is waking up from the surgery now. 
(If you'll remember the previous line sprung a leak during the last treatment and they pulled it out. )
This one is smaller, so it shouldn't be bouncing around as much, and maybe it will be easier to shower with it. 

Little bit later today we start our two week long immunotherapy session. 
Jack won't need to be on maintenance fluids, which will be super nice. He'll be able to sleep through the night because he won't need to pee constantly, and he should be more mobile. 

The doctor also said she'll give him an appetite booster to help him maintain his weight.  

Jack's hair is coming back nicely, we're talking about haircuts. Him and I are thinking mohawk, but I'm not sure if the "council" will approve. 

Sarah will have updates from the hospital in the coming days. 

We're grateful for:
- injury free 4th of July. 
- surgery going well
- playing hard with friends and family this past weekend. 

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