Tuesday, October 1, 2013

OK'd For 2nd Round Of Chemo

Jack and I drove to Omaha today tor a lab (blood) test, which thankfully came back nominal and his doctor OK'd us for the second round of chemo. He and Sarah will check in on Friday morning and I'll stay at home with Chase.

OK, so his hair started falling out, which doesn't bother him at all. We had it cut as close as possible, but his scalp is extra sensitive, so the results are a bit patchy. But it will even out as more and more hair falls out. One of his loose teeth came out this weekend, and another one is about to come out. (Not related to chemo, they're just coming out on their schedule.) He's having a great time playing with it and making funny faces: 

Today I'm grateful for:
- spending a whole day with him, playing, doing homework and chatting
- treatment going according to the plan
- continued absence of pain and fevers. (He is probably in the clear of fevers until the chemo kicks in again and wears down his white blood count again.)
- oh yeah, he's gained 2 lbs since the last round of chemo!