Friday, October 18, 2013

Counts Are Up, Maybe Harvesting On Wednesday

Ok, Jack's white counts have recovered nicely, from 200 up to 13000, which is quite a bit. (4500 to 10500 is about the normal.) 
Dr.'s office called, and they'll try to schedule a surgery to install a central line on Tuesday, and do a stem cell harvest on Wednesday. (Central line is a "pipe" into his circulatory system, a little bit wider diameter than his existing "port" line.)

That will be happening at UNMC, and I'm not sure at this point if he will be out on Wednesday after the harvest, or if they'll keep him in the hospital. 

He's doing good, we just went out for a walk, and then kicked a soccer ball for a while. 

Today I'm grateful for:
- things moving in the right direction with respect to his counts and harvest,

- Jack still having no pain, I think the chemo is really doing a number on his tumors,

- Jack eating like a champion for the past couple of days. 


  1. Happy to hear that Jack's counts are up! Yay! I saw Grant carrying the lunch basket with the giant monkey in it and I smiled thinking if you, Jack! :)

    1. Good deal!! Glad that the monkey is in safe hands. I hope he's not too much of a distraction for the kiddos and Mrs. Bohaty.
