Monday, April 28, 2014

At UNMC with a fever

Jack and I are hanging out at UNMC for couple days. Yesterday his temp was creeping up slowly all afternoon, so we were thinking a trip up to Omaha might be in the works. Darn-nabbit fever!

Fever broke last night, his temp got up to 101 when he received his first dose of antibiotics.
He's on Celephine (antibiotic) every 6 hours and a little maintenance fluid. Jack received blood and platelets this morning - counts were pretty low. (Hemoglobin was at 6K, should be around 10K and platelets were 32K, should be around 150K. ) His blood pressure was pretty low too, so they were keeping a close eye on his last night and into the morning. I was reminded of the sleepless nights in the hospital rather fast.
No radiation today, they'll squeeze him in here tomorrow and we'll finish last round back at Village Point on Wednesday. 

If all goes well, and by that I mean, no temp and blood cultures come back negative (which means no bacteria or fungal infection in blood stream, which shows up in the first 48hrs.) we should be discharged tomorrow. If cultures come back positive.... we'll I didn't ask, but I'm think we'll be hanging out here a little longer. 

Child Life came in around noon to hang out with Jack, they made some rockets and a cloud in a bottle. There were launching rockets across the room, it was pretty cool. Anything to pass along the time. 

All in all, Jack feels fine, he's a bit tired, but with getting some blood today, he'll be like a super star tomorrow. 

Today I'm grateful:
- Jack's fever starting in the early afternoon and not at 10pm. I'd rather no fever, but a 3am drive to Omaha is not my cup of tea. 
- all the nurses were happy to see Jack. The doctor this morning said how good he looked being 54 days out from transplant.
- Tibor and Chase - here's to you and the house to yourself for a day or so. I've given up on your cooking ability, so just eat cereal for dinner. Lots of choices and virtually no mess to clean up. :)


  1. Thanks for the update!
    Your comment about my poor cooking ability was pretty funny!
    So funny in fact, that it put me in such a good mood that I made crapes!
    Yes, with only the most basic of ingredients, a cast iron skillet, and some European know how, Chase and I ate like the the 18th century French nobles.

    In addition to fine cuisine, us Bosnians are also used to sage advice and proverbs, like this one: He who laughs last, laughs the hardest.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I can't wait for crepes when I get home!
