Jack had a barium enema done Friday at Children's. A barium enema is when a contrast dye is injected into the rectum, making the colon, rectum and large intestines visible. The radiologist went over the pics with me, showing that Jack's rectum is about 50% blocked. Though not for sure why it's blocked, the radiologist is guessing it's a build up of scar tissue from when his tumor was removed. It's good to finally know what has been causing all the stomach problems with the little dude. We are still waiting to hear back from our GI doctor, who I'm sure is working with our oncologist and surgeon discussing a plan for surgery. Hopefully getting this blockage cleared will get Jack back to being 100%. Going to the bathroom shouldn't be an issue and his appetite will pick up.
His weight on Friday was 40.6 lbs., so no weight gain or loss.
We enjoyed the nice weather over the weekend. Nothing too exciting to report. Jack loves watching the King of Random on YouTube, discovering new gadgets to build. He and Chase made some pretty cool blow guns out of PVC pipe on Sunday. It was great seeming them building and playing together instead of eyes glued to a screen.
I'm grateful for:
- a evening of playing Monopoly. Mom won!
- Everyday there is one more minute of light. Please spring, hurry along.