So... About a week ago we took Jack to get a CT scan, to see what was causing his off and on stomachache. Preliminary findings indicated swollen lymph nodes and a couple of masses/tumors in his abdomen.
His pediatrician forwarded us to Childrens' Hospital in Omaha right away for more thorough testing, as the scans were indicative of tumors, though he couldn't say for sure. Further analysis and biopsy confirmed cancer, and initial findings indicate that the cancer did not spread to his bone marrow.
As of right now his treatment will last 8 months and consist of the following:
- five cycles of regular chemotherapy, which could start this weekend, and will be followed by a fairly intrusive surgery to remove any tumors not killed off by chemo.
- a second phase of more intensive chemotherapy, designed to destroy his bone marrow and hopefully any cancer making cells in it. This will then be followed by a bone marrow transplant, using his own blood stem cells. [Edit: ok, I now understand that this part is not designed to destroy the bone marrow, but rather that is a side-effect. They will then inject his blood stem cells back in, which will rebuild his marrow. The process is called "grafting" apparently. He will be hospitalized for at least a few weeks during this step. This will be very hard.]
Right now these are the best details we can provide regarding his treatment, and situation is always subject to change.
Jack's big brother Chase has been a true champ, dealing with this situation (with his limited understanding of the complex issues) with true stoicism and care for his little satellite. (As soon as Jack was back from the hospital, Chase and a friend showered him with toys and gifts.)
Initial shock has worn off and our family has mobilized to prepare for the long road ahead. Though things are by no means normal in our daily and nightly routine, we are regaining ability to focus and accomplish various tasks at home.
We have received wonderful support from our families, both of our coworkers, and friends.
In those first few days of muddling through stress, fear, intense dread and love, your support offered us a meaningful ray of hope to hang on to. I doubt we will ever be able to express how much your care meant to us while in the hospital.
In the future months, I plan on taking you all up on your offers to help ;)
As difficult as the situation is, we remind ourselves of the things we can be grateful for:
- the black Porsche which lifted Jack's spirits while recovering from biopsy
- clean bone marrow
- visits and gifts from family and coworkers which showed us we have many people who care about us and Jack
- having someone take care of Chase on such short notice
- excellent medical facilities, technology and knowledge of our doctors
- and more, but I will save those for the next entries.
More to follow...